Thursday, June 18, 2009


evil is prove of god's existence. so says the title of the book in the beginning of the Amityville Horror (2005) and it somehow also acts as proof for militant christian factions. certain Blogs would have the general and impressionable masses believe that the popular mislabeling of Evil refers to all the amoral and not good things that happen to and by us humans. such a blanket label of negativity makes very little sense. and yet there are people who fervently believe this sacrilege against the human condition. this blasphemy toward nature.

i read a blog from the lead singer of a legendary band called Paradise Lost on their myspace page that inspired me further to write this blog today.

"The thoughts behind the title “Faith Divides Us Death Unites Us” (forth coming cd -ttt)
are very much self explanatory, there is so much division in the world
caused by obstructing religious belief. We are all made of the same
flesh and bone, what makes one religions better than the other, and
would any true god allow his creation to destroy itself? The vast
number of different so called faiths around the globe, just helps to
strengthen my complete denial of any god, and force the belief that
religion is nothing more than a man made cash induced fabrication to
exploit a human beings natural fear of death."
Nick Holmes

i couldnt have said it better myself. the vast monetary conglomerate of religion is poisoning the minds of not just the youth of the world, but the elderly and weak minded of the middle-aged too. it is a nightmare to me to think about the possibility of a soul. to think that there is some sort of life after Death only delegitimizes the word and our concept of what life is all about and how to live it to its fullest.

is death a terrible thing? i suppose it really just depends on how you have lived your life. how you have embedded and shared your memories with those who survive you. for that is the only soul that shares any form of similar manifestation of who and what we were. in all actuality the soul is most likely just the residual energy that is left in our decaying corpse that will eventually become one with the earth that bore it. that is the immortality given to us from life. the immortality that there is something of us in the billions of years that will come. our energy will be here in the heart of a star, the core of a planet, the fusion tail of a comet or just a spec of microscopic space dust. yes, we do live on after death, but as energy, not some effigy of the culmination of our good deeds weighed against our bad ones.

heaven, zion, elysium, valhalla or asgard; whatever name you wish to call the peaceful afterlife peddled to mankind from books written by other men (not gods), it is a pipe dream. an elusive place from which there is no return. it is elusive because it exists only in the minds of the deluded. those who think that by somehow denying themselves their baser and more primal instincts (read: immoral) they will earn their way into this perfect world of unending happiness ever present pleasure.

what is far more likely to me is reincarnation. not in the way that our consciousness is changed into some other physical manifestation, for our personalities and memories die with us, but that our energy is used as the building blocks of another life form. something like a little of our physical selves is used to nourish the organisms that feed on our corpses to sustain life and therefore we continue on as life for something else. we feed the earth with our death. we feed the universe and are much more productive to the universe as a whole by being a life sustaining nutrient as a corpse than we ever were in the littering, wasteful and leaching organisms we call human beings.

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