Sunday, June 14, 2009

insensitivity training

i think a large majority of the issues with the world today is all the goddamn sensitivity. everyones little crybaby bullshit pet peeves. it seems like some people throw themselves at any cause they can find just so they have something to complain about.

i wore a shirt yesterday, sorry i cant seem to find a picture link to it, but to describe it;

c o n s e n t

i have found a ton of Places all over the web that have Threads on so many different Blogs about how offensive shit is and how it shouldnt be sold, worn or bought by anyone. what a bunch of humorless fuckwits. i am terribly sorry that your lives are so dull and monochrome that the only taking of everyone else's fun and good humor is their mission statement.

i seriously do not care about your personal hang ups. i do not care about how you were raped as a child or that your grandmother was a racist who said nigger every other word or that you are a jew with a tattoo number on your arm. none of these things affect me because i have gotten over it. i have learned to let shit go and not take everything so personally. if you live your life taking every so seriously and close to heart, you are bound to waste your life being pissed off instead of enjoying lifes pleasures.

there are causes for people to get behind. always fights that "victims" will have to fight back against. for me though, i just want to grow up and move on. i want to enjoy my life and no worry about the shit that gets me down or all the mistakes and wrongs that people have done to me. sure, i can carry the grudge, but im not going to because i have better things to do.

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