Friday, February 5, 2010

i killed somebody once, it was easy. that is why its so dangerous

there is a purity in history that is no longer present in the here and now. i spent the morning watching a movie based on a favorite book of mine, Bid Time Return. the movie in question is Somewhere in Time. im not going to summarize the plot here, but it will suffice to say that it is a period setting of sorts which is quite based in reality, despite how strange the story is.

100 years ago, the way people spoke was different. the way people spoke to each other was different. we take a lot of liberties with how we speak to one another now days. we are less formal, less specific and very different in our assumptions about each other. the innocence of ignorance is something that is lacking in todays overly stimulated, hyper-sexualized and ultra-violent society.

from the sex and death on tv to the plethora of porn on the internet, we are slowly making ourselves into a people who not only accept the familiarity of strangers but take advantage of our connectivity to put aside the mysteries meeting a new individual. more often than not, the chase, which is the best part of the beginning of any relationship, is now lost thanks to the stalking capabilities of the internet and ease of communication of text messaging. the thrill is gone before it has a chance to begin.

its no wonder why we have become obsessed with getting in and getting it over with fast. we want to move on to the next chase. we want to move in and move on as fast as we can. there is no need for the permanence of companionship when partners are virtually interchangeable like the bits of a drill.

love has become like god, a dying institution, an effigy to a notion that is being replaced by reality, a dream from which we are all awakening.

the truth is that technology has killed everything that was once thought to be beautiful and replaced it with false notions of perfection and electronic courtship. everything that made dating and relationships an adventure has be altered to this new bastardization of technology and flesh.

i miss the innocence. i miss the time that courtship took much longer than typing some information into a computer. i miss the good ole days.

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