Monday, June 20, 2011

dont look to the ocean, restless in its dreaming

Listening to the music in my head at the culmination of a truly amazing weekend, i heard Room 429 playing in my head.  mostly the second half of the song.  it was quite liberating.  i spilled my guts and exposed myself in ways that i never do.  i gave of myself and it was scary and wonderful simultaneously. feeling the things that im completely unaccustomed to feeling.  hell, just feeling at all.  i had almost forgotten what that feels like.  stimulation and salvation.

a short little scribble at the request of the fighter who wanted something new...

projectile on a tiny red leash
reminding me of how exposed i lay
and to whom i am indebted
for that exposure

ive severed so much emotion previously
that to have it be re-attached
is painful in the most blissful sort of way

i had grown accustomed to seeing nothing
when i look into the eyes of others,
yet now, i can see unfathomable depths in one

my memory serves me less and less
but my heart explodes with want
the subtleties of passing glances
now return to embolden my desires
leaving me with a longing for that touch
that vanished with responsibility.

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